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News Release

Jan. 15, 2019

Career Pathing program offers students, employees, 社区成员工作场所相关的学习机会

Northwest Missouri State University, in partnership with the Maryville Chamber of Commerce, 是否为学生提供八个专业发展主题的演讲, University employees, and area residents during its Career Pathing program.

网上赌博网站十大排行很兴奋地宣布网上赌博网站十大排行的春季职业培训课程,” Paula McLain, Northwest’s coordinator of student employment, said. “There are great opportunities for our staff, 教师和学生提高个人和专业技能. 网上赌博网站十大排行同样很高兴能与玛丽维尔商会共同举办这些会议,并邀请社区成员加入网上赌博网站十大排行.  对于网上赌博网站十大排行的学生来说,这是一个与社区内的专业人士一起学习的好机会.”

玛丽维尔商会会员的每次演讲费用为25美元,非会员为40美元. 网上赌博网站十大排行的学生和员工可以免费参加演讲, 参与的学生可以通过网上赌博网站十大排行的学生就业计划提升到新的工资和责任水平.

除了2月11日为西北学生举办的response培训课程外,其他的演讲都是如此. 5 and Feb. 23, are 60-90 minutes and take place in the J.W. Jones Student Union Ballroom. Each session is described below. The RESPOND training is for Northwest students only.

For more information and to register, 社区成员和西北工作人员和教师可以在网上注册 Students should register online at

“It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It”

Barbara Teicher, CSP

Thursday, Jan. 24 (11 a.m., 2 p.m. or 3:30 p.m.)

你说话的方式可能比你实际使用的词语更重要,更有影响力. 网上赌博网站十大排行试图传达的话语背后的意图可能与网上赌博网站十大排行所感知到的信息完全不同. Join Teicher, an international and two-time TEDx speaker, published author and business coach, 因为她分享了加强关系和改善沟通的秘诀. By the end this program, 参与者将能够诊断出存在某种程度不适的情况和人,以及原因, 认识到对话和关系中断的原因, 确定“你怎么说”原则的六个步骤, and determine how to make a V.A.S.T. difference. For more information, visit

Barbara Teicher

“Powered by Hope”

Teri Griege, inspirational speaker

Monday, Feb. 4 (11 a.m. or 1 p.m.)

Through her inspirational story, 格里格开发了一种万能的工具,对对抗逆境非常有效. 她的策略很简单,很容易执行,而且非常强大. For more information, visit

Teri Griege



Tuesday, Feb. 5, The Station center meeting room; 3 to 7 p.m.
or Saturday, Feb. 23, The Station center meeting room; 2-6 p.m. (for students only)

“回应”旨在帮助校园社区认识到心理健康问题. 内容包括对大学校园心理健康问题的简要概述, discussion about stigma and culture, 与心理健康问题相关的症状概述. 课程的其余部分将集中在如何有效地用基本的倾听和同理心做出回应, risk assessment at the lay level, support, referral, and taking care of self, 包括基于角色或个人偏好的适当界限. 互动式培训将解决诸如FERPA在存在心理健康问题时如何运作等问题, HIPAA where appropriate, and Title IX and confidential sources.


“Opportunity Town”


Tuesday, Feb. 26 (10 a.m. or 2:30 p.m.)


Cris Jacobson



Thursday, March 7 (10 a.m., 2 p.m. or 5:30 p.m.)

绿点是一项旨在减少暴力的暴力预防倡议, including stalking, sexual assault and partner violence. 绿点代表任何行为、选择、言语或态度,这些行为、选择、言语或态度打断了暴力,或传达了暴力对你来说是不合适的信息. 西北社区可以帮助建立规范,暴力是不可接受的,每个人都应该尽自己的一份力量来维护网上赌博网站十大排行的社区安全. 本课程将探讨如何识别可能表明暴力的相关行为, 利用力量和个性来阻止暴力的独特方法, 以及绿点方法如何在你成为专业人士的过程中对你有益和有用.

Danielle Koonce


Steven Iwersen, Aurora Pointe, LLC

Tuesday, March 19 (11 a.m., 1 p.m. or 3:30 p.m.)

你如何看待你的环境并实现你最大的潜力取决于你吸引尊重关系的能力, overcome limitations, resolve conflict, communicate with others, and hold yourself accountable to strategic decisions. 艾维森带你进入现实生活中的个人和职业挑战的竞技场, and – with his signature style of humor, 讲故事和互动传递——揭示了一些简单的策略,可以帮助将消极的态度和结果转变为积极的, courageous and productive results. For more information, visit

Steven Iwersen


Cathy Newton, author and speaker

Wednesday, April 3 (11 a.m., 2 p.m. or 4 p.m.)

联系的力量是维系关系的原则, elevates productivity and stabilizes trust. 它是你积极影响他人思想和行为的能力. 与他人的联系流经你头脑的过滤器(认知), heart (love) and guts (emotional intelligence), requiring you to take intellectual, social and emotional risks. 学习常识性策略来理解过滤器并最大限度地发挥影响力. For more information, visit

Cathy Newton

“Building and Using a Professional LinkedIn Profile”


Monday, April. 15 (10 a.m., 1 p.m. or 4 p.m.)

LinkedIn拥有超过5亿用户,90%以上的企业招聘人员都在使用它. 如果你正在找工作或实习,LinkedIn会是一个重要的工具. 本演讲将涵盖LinkedIn个人资料的主要部分, 学生的最佳实践,以及如何使用LinkedIn来增强你的社交网络和求职的技巧.

Travis Kline


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215