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Dr. Robert Pippin, 谁指挥西北音乐会乐队和工作室爵士乐团, has been appointed as the next Dennis C. Dau Professor of Instrumental Music. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

Dr. Robert Pippin, 谁指挥西北音乐会乐队和工作室爵士乐团, has been appointed as the next Dennis C. Dau Professor of Instrumental Music. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

Nov. 29, 2021

Pippin named next Dau Professor of Instrumental Music

Dr. Robert Pippin

Dr. Robert Pippin

Dr. Robert Pippin, 网上赌博网站十大排行音乐助理教授, will serve as the Department of Fine and Performing Arts’ next Dennis C. 为器乐教授,是第二位获此殊荣的教师.

Pippin, who succeeds Dr. William Richardson in the role, 通过提名和文理学院院长的推荐,他被选中担任为期两年的职务.

“这一殊荣是对李博士的特别认可. 皮平继续为器乐领域做出杰出贡献, based on outstanding teaching, creative and scholarly activity, contributions to the field, and service,” Dr. 西北艺术与科学学院院长迈克·施泰纳说. “道先生的捐赠不仅是对美术与表演艺术系的一份巨大的礼物,而且为网上赌博网站十大排行设立捐赠教授职位开创了先例. We are tremendously proud of Dr. Pippin’s contributions.”

Pippin, who joined Northwest in 2015, 担任音乐会乐队和工作室爵士乐团的指挥. He teaches coursework related to applied trombone, euphonium and tuba; elements of conducting; and brass methods. His academic interests include brass performance concepts, 器乐指挥与中学音乐课程发展.

Pippin said he is honored to receive the appointment, 他还可以投资资金,邀请客座艺术家来网上赌博网站十大排行演出, 旅行和其他以专业为基础的体验,旨在加强学生的学习.

“这笔捐赠将对西北音乐、该地区和密苏里州的音乐产生影响, 项目的改进以及随之而来的一切都为西北航空公司带来了很多关注,” Pippin said. “It is a real difference-maker in a program. We’re very fortunate.” 

对于皮平来说,从事音乐事业的想法始于他在初中时成为一名长号手. 皮平的灵感来自于拥有音乐博士学位的乐队指挥.

“他是一位出色的小号演奏家,我意识到,‘这是一位了不起的音乐家. He’s making a career out of doing music. Maybe I could do that,’” Pippin said. “From then I wanted to have a career in music, 我在公立学校的其余时间就是在努力弄清楚如何做到这一点.”

皮平继续获得音乐教育学士学位,然后获得指挥音乐硕士学位, both from Colorado State University. 除了在科罗拉多州担任高中乐队指挥之外, 他活跃于柯林斯堡交响乐团,是一名长号手,也是一名自由艺术家,表演古典音乐, jazz and chamber music.

But after 13 years in the high school setting, 皮平觉得自己有责任在大学里教书,让音乐专业的学生做好成为教育者的准备. 随后,他在马里兰州约翰霍普金斯大学皮博迪音乐学院获得了管乐队指挥的音乐艺术博士学位, 他是约翰霍普金斯大学管乐团的指挥, 皮博迪管乐团的助理指挥,教授基本的指挥课程.

With two degrees in conducting, 皮平热衷于为未来的音乐教育工作者提供他们需要的工具,帮助年轻的学生全面了解音乐是如何工作的.

“The conducting is where the magic happens,” Pippin said. “这就是你作为一名音乐教育家所拥有的一切,并试图将这些点与学生联系起来的地方. Everything they’re going to learn about music history, that they’re going to learn about music theory, that they’re going to learn about how music exists in culture, happens in that room. 作为乐队指挥,我通过在台上的表演来教导他们.”

Throughout his career, Pippin also has been a performer, adjudicator and clinician with bands, orchestras and jazz ensembles in Colorado, Kansas, Idaho, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming. 他曾在全国大学管乐和打击乐教师协会全国大会以及大学音乐协会大平原和落基山脉地区联合会议上发表过演讲, 密苏里音乐教育家大会和科罗拉多乐队指挥协会大会. 明年春天,他还将出席夏威夷大学国际会议和大学乐队总监全国协会西南分会会议.

“音乐是这个星球上每个人共同拥有的核心东西之一,网上赌博网站十大排行都以某种方式联系在一起,” Pippin said. “在每种文化中,音乐都有文化相关性,所以我觉得这就是它如此重要的原因. 用音乐来表达自己是人类的核心.”

网上赌博网站十大排行在收到500美元的捐款后,于2017年宣布成立Dau捐赠教授职位,000 cash gift in honor of Dau, 他是网上赌博网站十大排行的校友,也是该校器乐音乐的长期支持者.

捐赠教授是对在其领域持续模范服务的教职员工的特殊认可, based on outstanding teaching, creative and scholarly activity, 并通过专业组织和超越区域一级的服务作出贡献. 它表彰那些在很长一段时间内保持高水平生产力和影响力的个人,他们被认为是教职员工的榜样, staff and students.

Dau, a native of Manning, Iowa, 1970年,他在网上赌博网站十大排行的熊猫军乐队演奏小军鼓,在大学的管乐交响乐团演奏单簧管,并于1971年获得学士学位和硕士学位, both in music education. His career as an educator took him to Farragut, Iowa, and then to Maryville High School, 从1979年到1999年退休,他一直担任乐队指挥.

To make a gift in support of the Dennis C. Dau捐赠教授器乐或西北基金会的更多信息, contact the Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215