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News Release

Sept. 27, 2022


网上赌博网站十大排行周二欢迎马赛克生命护理的代表, a physician-led health care organization based in St. Joseph, Missouri, 这两个组织庆祝了他们持续的伙伴关系和正在进行的革新,以提升大学的健康科学和健康教育.

Mosaic recently made a $250,我向西北基金会承诺,以支持一项升级马丁代尔大厅的倡议, 它是大学健康科学与健康学院的所在地.

Dr. Terry Long, director of Northwest's School of Health Science and Wellness

Dr. Terry Long, director of Northwest's School of Health Science and Wellness

Mosaic的支持是改进项目的基础元素,并将产生影响, at a minimum, 1,000 students who study majors offered within the School, Dr. Terry Long, its director, said.

“In addition, every student on campus, at some point in time, is taking a class or using a facility in Martindale Hall, so it really is a truly impactful project,” Long said. “网上赌博网站十大排行将转变为校园中最具创新性和吸引力的学习环境之一. It’s truly a game-changing opportunity.”

Mike Poore, chief executive officer of Mosaic Life Care

Mike Poore, chief executive officer of Mosaic Life Care

Mike Poore, 今年6月,他被任命为Mosaic首席执行官,此前他从3月份开始担任临时职位, noted Northwest and Mosaic are two of the region’s largest employers. Mosaic employs more than 4,000 caregivers, while Northwest – with its more than 700 employees and by serving about 5,400 students at its Maryville campus – provides $617.5 million in economic impact and added regional income.

网上赌博网站十大排行对这次合作感到兴奋,并期待着由此产生的东西,” Poore said. “Both Northwest and Mosaic have deep ties to our community, 网上赌博网站十大排行很高兴网上赌博网站十大排行能共同努力,培养出网上赌博网站十大排行未来社区需要的护理人员. 网上赌博网站十大排行知道,网上赌博网站十大排行的社区正面临卫生保健专业人员短缺的问题, 网上赌博网站十大排行正在与西北航空公司合作,以确保网上赌博网站十大排行能够满足这些需求. 这笔捐款是一项持续的伙伴关系,旨在帮助教育和培养未来的保健提供者.”

作为大学的重要合作伙伴,Mosaic在许多举措上支持网上赌博网站十大排行. Among them, Mosaic supplies athletic trainers to Bearcat athletics programs, medical expertise at the University’s Wellness Center and 一名与大学警察局合作的性侵犯护士审查员. Mosaic staff also serve on the Northwest nursing program’s advisory board, 一些大学的教职员工在各种马赛克板上服务. Further, Mosaic provided major support toward the construction of the Carl and Cheryl Hughes Fieldhouse, 在COVID-19大流行高峰期,哪里是疫苗接种诊所的所在地.

网上赌博网站十大排行在就业安置方面也处于地区领先地位,98%的学士学位获得者和近100%的硕士学位获得者在毕业后六个月内找到了工作或继续接受教育, according to the most recent data. 为了帮助学生获得他们所需的专业技能,Mosaic已经开始与 Northwest Career Services to offer paid internships to students studying non-medical fields.

Nate Blackford, president of Mosaic Medical Center-Maryville

Nate Blackford, president of Mosaic Medical Center-Maryville

Nate Blackford, who serves as president of Mosaic Medical Center-Maryville, Mosaic表示,该公司支持马丁代尔大厅项目,这符合其在劳动力发展方面的利益, specifically in health science areas such as counseling services, social work and nursing.

“我很荣幸能有这个机会参与这项努力,这无疑将为本地区带来巨大的专业红利,” Blackford said. “Mosaic对网上赌博网站十大排行与西北密苏里州的合作感到非常自豪. From our partnership in sports medicine to the Wellness Center, to internships and other academic endeavors, 网上赌博网站十大排行的伙伴关系对网上赌博网站十大排行两个组织的成功都至关重要,而且是互利的.”

Noting Northwest’s mission of “focusing on student success – every student, every day,布莱克福德说,这些组织有着相似的价值观,因为Mosaic关注的是它所服务的病人.

“This is yet another opportunity for us to partner together,” Blackford said. “我坚信网上赌博网站十大排行两家公司有着共同的文化, and that culture is a championship culture, a desire to be great, 渴望为网上赌博网站十大排行的病人提供高质量的护理,为网上赌博网站十大排行的学生提供卓越的成果.”

<a href=''>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>正在为马丁代尔大厅的翻新筹集资金,这将改变建筑的面貌,并更好地将学术课程与行业需求和劳动力需求结合起来


About the Martindale Hall improvement project

马丁代尔大厅改善项目是一个焦点在西北在明年, the University’s Interim President, Dr. Clarence Green, said. One of the campus’ oldest buildings, Martindale Hall opened in 1926 and was last remodeled in the 1970s.

这些升级将帮助网上赌博网站十大排行和健康科学与健康学院更好地将学术课程与行业需求和劳动力需求结合起来. Additionally, 网上赌博网站十大排行希望在招聘对医疗保健领域的职业感兴趣的优质学生方面提高其竞争优势,同时加强与健康科学和健康相关的区域伙伴关系.

Northwest’s Board of Regents approved a $1.3 million plan in March to renovate the third floor of the building, targeting a 4,260-square-foot section that includes multipurpose space and storage areas. 该建筑还包括支持护理的学术实验室空间, 人类服务和学校咨询项目以及教职员工办公室正在进行中, and $1 million is being funded through the generosity of donors.

Martindale Hall三层的翻新是整个建筑更新长期计划的第一阶段. The Missouri General Assembly approved $8.5 million, 网上赌博网站十大排行正在筹集资金,以匹配州政府的拨款,并在2024年12月之前为这个总计1700万美元的项目提供资金.

Dr. Clarence Green, Northwest interim president

Dr. Clarence Green, Northwest interim president

“马丁代尔学院和健康科学与健康学院值得这笔投资,” Green said. “Why are they worthy? 健康科学与健康学院为需求非常高的工作部门培养员工. Also, 这个项目和这次改造将使网上赌博网站十大排行能够改善网上赌博网站十大排行提供的服务,并在一个更有吸引力的氛围中提供这些服务.”


About the Northwest Foundation

The Northwest Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, 为网上赌博网站十大排行及其学生的利益开发和管理慈善资源. 它由一个志愿者委员会管理,由网上赌博网站十大排行发展办公室的成员组成.

To make a gift to support Northwest, including Martindale Hall, contact the Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or visit


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215