A-Z Index

Dr. Jesse Lane



121 Valk



Joined Northwest in 2022

Assistant Professor of Geography


  • Ph.D. Geography
  • M.S. Geospatial Science
  • B.S. Social Science Secondary Education

Courses Taught

  • 32-101 Introduction to Geography
  • 32-207 GPS Fundamentals
  • 32-410 Geographic Approaches to Research

Academic Interests

我是一名人文地理学家,关注人与地方之间的关系, 特别是在政治和经济领域. 我曾在西北密苏里州和其他大学教授各种有关经济发展的课程, political economy, human geography, earth science, physical geography, world regional geography, GPS fundamentals, and geographic information systems. 随着网上赌博网站十大排行课程的扩展和技术的发展, 我将教授与地理学家目前使用的可持续性和最先进的方法相关的课程.


我的研究包括与不平衡发展有关的各种研究, maritime trade, and access to food and physical activity. 我的论文专门研究了对外贸易区(FTZs)对发展模式的影响. The FTZ is a specific type of place-based economic policy designed to promote international trade on a local scale; however, 这一政策举措导致制造业和以贸易为基础的公司聚集在大城市地区,牺牲了邻近的农村社区. Additionally, 在少数民族社区附近聚集肮脏的工业,导致癌症发病率上升,并使硬化的海岸线沿岸的渔业退化. 我还将我的研究扩展到健康地理学领域,最近发表了关于获取新鲜食品和体育活动的文章, two important aspects of healthy lifestyles. 少数民族社区和与大城市中心接壤的郊区受到新鲜食物和体育活动有限的影响最大, resulting in higher rates of morbidity.

Scholarly Activity

我目前正在写一篇经济方面的文章, environmental, 外贸区工业企业对莫比尔周边社区的社会影响, Alabama. 这项研究是基于我去年完成的一项研究的定性发现. In the upcoming months, 我将与奥本大学蒙哥马利分校的一位同事合作,分析有关获取新鲜食物和体育活动的数据.


  • Lane, J. M. (2023). 阿拉巴马州莫比尔的对外贸易区及其对邻近社区的影响. Southeastern Geographer, under review.
  • Lane, J. M., & Liu, Z. J. (2022). 外贸区对县域经济发展的影响:时间分析. Papers in Applied Geography, 8(4), 452-467.
  • Lane, J. M. & Davis, B. A. (2022). Food, physical activity, 和阿拉巴马州的健康沙漠:健康饮食之间的空间联系, exercise, and socioeconomic factors. Geojournal, 87. 5229–5249.
  • Lane, J. M. & Pretes, M. (2020). 海洋依赖与经济繁荣:为什么进入海洋贸易很重要. Marine Policy, 121, 104180.
  • Lane, J. M. (2020). 美国东南部的对外贸易区:是促进经济发展还是导致空间不平等? Southeastern Geographer, 60(2), 141-158.

Publications: Chapters in Edited Volumes

  • Lane, J. M. (2018). Maritime trade. In R. F. Buschmann & L. Nolde (Eds.). 世界海洋:地理、历史和环境 (pp. 297-300). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Selected Conference Presentations

  • Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers (SEDAAG); Atlanta, GA; November 21, 2022: 阿拉巴马州莫比尔的对外贸易区及其对周边社区的影响.
  • Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers (SEDAAG); Florence, AL; November 22, 2021: Food, physical activity, 和阿拉巴马州的健康沙漠:健康饮食之间的空间联系, exercise, and socioeconomic factors (Brett A. Davis co-presenter).
  • Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (ASAHPERD); Birmingham, AL; November 16, 2021: Health deserts in Alabama (Brett A. Davis co-presenter).
  • American Association of Geographers (AAG); virtual; April 8, 2021: Spatial & 对外贸易区对美国经济发展的时间影响.
  • Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers (SEDAAG); Annual Conference Special Session Presentation; virtual; November 7, 2020: Spatial & 对外贸易区对美国经济发展的时间影响.
  • Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers (SEDAAG); Wilmington, NC; November 25, 2019: 美国东南部的对外贸易区:它们是促进经济发展还是导致不平等?
  • North Carolina Geographical Society (NCGS); Greensboro, NC; November 1, 2019: 美国东南部的对外贸易区:它们是促进经济发展还是导致不平等?
  • American Association of Geographers (AAG); Poster Presentation; Washington, DC; April 5, 2019: 财富与可再生能源:能源经济内部日益分化.
  • Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers (SEDAAG); Johnson City, TN; November 19, 2018: 财富与可再生能源:能源经济内部日益分化.
  • American Association of Geographers (AAG); Poster Presentation; New Orleans, LA; April 13, 2018: 海运的未来:技术将如何改变这个行业?
  • Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers (SEDAAG); Starkville, MS; November 20, 2017: 海上暴露与经济繁荣:为什么地理位置很重要.

Other Professional Experience

  • Editor-in-Chief of The North Carolina Geographer
  • Reviewer for Southeastern Geographer
  • Reviewer for Papers in Applied Geography

Selected Fellowships and Honors

  • 案例优秀奖:优秀教师讲师, 2021-2022: University of North Alabama; nominated
  • Diversity Initiatives Mini-Grant, 2020-2021: Funding for a proposed National Geographic Giant Map educational initiative; University of North Carolina at Greensboro; received
  • 戈登·贝内特杰出地理学研究生奖, 2021, 为表彰杰出的研究而颁发的奖项, teaching, 为地理学系和地理学科服务.”
  • 2019年Gamma Theta Upsilon荣誉协会入选者
  • Phi Kappa Phi honor society inductee, 2014
  • Phi Alpha Theta honor society inductee, 2009