A-Z Index

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join an living learning community (LLC)?

Will living in the LLC help me academically?

Studies have shown that students residing in living-learning communities have higher academic success rates, GPAs, and have greater satisfaction with their overall academic experience.

How much does the LLC cost?

The Fall 2024 LLC fee is $35 per student. The fee is used to offset a small portion of the programming and additional opportunities available through the living-learning community initiative.

How do I sign-up for an LLC?

Apply for a Fall 2024 community by completing your housing application in CatPAWS. As you begin the housing application, select the Living Learning Community application. Please contact the Office of Residential Life for questions related to the housing application. For questions on the LLC initiative, please get in touch with the Student Success Center at 660.562.1695.

Steps to apply for housing


Log in to CatPAWS with Northwest Network Account
      a. Username (without
      b. Password


Select "Housing" tab


Navigate into the Housing System


Click "New/Returning Students"


Click "Fall 2024"


Click "Start Your Application" in
      Option 1: Living Learning Community or
      Option 2: First-Year Housing


Complete application to secure your place

If I apply, does that mean I am automatically put in the LLC?

There are many students interested in the living-learning communities, and therefore the space is limited. Your LLC status will be communicated via email within two weeks of your application submission.

Can I request a roommate?

Yes, you can request a roommate only if they are selected to live in the same living-learning community.

What happens if I change my major?

If you change your major to something outside the participating schools and departments before classes begin, your housing will need re-assigned, and your class schedule may need to be revised. Should you change your major after the start of classes in the fall, your housing will be reviewed and may need to be re-assigned.

I have questions on the LLC program. Who should I contact?

Whether you have questions about your major, coursework, or just the LLC program in general, you can reach out to the Student Success Center. If your questions are academic, let them know you would like to speak with an advisor for your major. If it's about LLC programs, let them know that as well. You can contact the Student Success Center at or 660.562.1695.